Monday, February 9, 2015

Is There Such a Thing as Too Many Books?

                                                   TOO MANY BOOKS?
I love to read and even though I can avail myself of almost any book from the library, I still buy a lot of books. I buy them at the library "gift shop", thrift stores, used book stores, Amazon and now and then I buy them new. While recently unpacking some boxes stored in the basement which turned out to be 85% books, I had to admit, I am a Book Hoarder! Sorting through the packed books I took a minute or two to read the cover to discover what the book was about, hoping that perhaps I would decide that some books did not sound interesting anymore and I could donate them, but NO! I wanted to read each and everyone of them right then! I honestly can't imagine living long enough to read them all! There were several duplicate titles and I  put those in the "donation" box, or the stack to take to 2nd and Charles to see if they might give me some
credit that can be used to buy more books. Maybe I need to seek help for this addiction--is there a BBA(Book Buyers Anonymous)? I don't collect classics, but there are three selections that could possibly fit that category: A recently printed copy of Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN, an old copy of THE ILLUSTRATED POETICAL WORKS OF LORD BYRON With Memoir and Notes, and THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Eclectic would be the word to describe the books on my shelves (and in those boxes); mysteries, historical fiction, books written by ex-pats who have chosen to live in another country (in some cases buying old houses or apartments that need restoration) cookbooks, "cozy" mysteries, journals written by gardener's about their gardens, memoir's, biographies, auto-biographies, books about growing up, books about growing old, books about places, stories of families, stories about those who seek solitude, well you get the idea.

So do I have a problem and if so, is it really a serious issue? Since I don't spend much money on the books I buy it's not seriously damaging my pocket book, it isn't hurting anyone in my family (unless one should fall on someone's head or toes), I still fix meals, sometimes clean house, shop for meals, pay bills keep appointments--all those necessary things. But if I want to finish even some of these,  I guess I had better get reading! Or as Baby Bird might say "start donating".        

Some of my packed books
And some more

                                 The love of learning the
                                sequestered nooks and all 
                                                 the sweet serenity of
