Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What Now?

The Sun Came Up  Tomorrow

Election night is over, it was over rather early with results that surprised a large number of people and left people either jubilant, sad, mad, scared and pondering. Already there have been tears, jeers, insults, compliments, promises, threats and protests all around the country like nothing I have ever seen. So many thought that even when the election was over, it wouldn't be over and that is coming true. Facebook (and Twitter and all other types of communication) is alive with "pros and cons" (a nice way of stating it) of the results of the election.

I woke up this morning with an overwhelming feeling of sadness. It was really reinforced when I saw how my Granddaughters were affected. I honestly didn't think that they paid much attention even though this was the first time they have been able to vote in a Presidential election. But I found out that the results were indeed important to them. Their reactions were of anger and tears, disappointment and fear. We all want our children and grandchildren to have more than we did, have the chance to grow up without the fear of war and strife hanging over their heads. In the case of daughters and granddaughters we want them to know that they are strong, they are worthy, they are important and valuable.  Momentarily at least, I feel a sense of unease with the climate. Maybe I am just being a bit of a drama queen and I can only hope as days pass I will feel differently, and I will take heart in knowing that they did and do indeed care.

"Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." —G.D. Anderson

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Night 2016

Nerves jangled
Stomach fluttering
Teeth grinding
Hair pulling
Votes being counted
Black vote
Hispanic vote
Women's vote
Cuban vote
Puerto Rico vote
College Educated White vote
Non-College Educated White vote
Percentages reported
Map Red and Blue
Endless analysis
Breakfast for dinner
Seven people in one house
Glued to two televisions
Polls closing
Will it be over quickly?
Or go long into the night?