Generally I don't go into a restaurant and eat a meal by myself, but the other day after fasting for 12 hours before having some blood drawn for my physical next week, I was so really hungry and I decided I would try a little cafe on the way home for breakfast --(I am using these dashes instead of a period because that key on my computer keyboard won't work) It was later in the morning so it was not crowded and I guess that made it less intimidating--The sign just inside the door said "Please Wait to Be Seated", so I stood there waiting for the bustling waitress to seat me, when she finally did I was placed at a table between a older woman like me seated by herself and two other women who were talking animatedly at the other table--after looking over the menu and deciding to have the "one on one" (1 sweet pancake, 1 egg and 1 slice of thick cut bacon) I looked around at the other tables and the other patrons of the restaurant; a mother and her young daughter, a man and his two boys, grandparents, parent and three grandchildren--Later a man on his own and a man and a woman were seated, all near my table--I brought a book with me and I was reading while waiting for my breakfast to arrive, but found it more interesting to observe people--the man by himself was working on a tablet, the other woman alone next to me was also reading a book--By the conversation of the two woman next to me, I took them to be "soccer moms", talking pretty much non-stop, their conversation had a gossipy tone to it, sprinkled with she this and she that and "she knows her stuff". Another lively conversation was taking place between the man and the woman who came in after I did, something to do with things that she would like to do (hitchhiking was one thing mentioned!!) and that the man had apparently done long ago--she was talking with enthusiasm and many hand gestures, he was answering in a calm, quiet voice--by the time I got ready to leave almost everyone had gone, except for the excited woman and her quiet male companion, the man alone and one other couple seated at the counter--As I walked out into the bright sunshine, I wondered why I had been so reluctant to go out for a meal alone--I guess maybe it was mostly due to feeling self-conscious, is everyone watching me, where do I look, what do I do without someone to talk to? That breakfast alone made me realize that there is no need to feel uncomfortable in that situation and it can make for a pretty interesting morning, though I can't say I got much reading done!

A table by the window
Yes that would be just fine
One knife, one fork, one spoon
And just one glass of wine
You have to grow up sometime.....and it sounds as if you did!