Sunday, July 12, 2015

Twilight Zone

TWILIGHT ZONE OR ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE--The other day I took the dog out for a walk around 2:00 PM--it was a warm summer afternoon, a day when you would expect to encounter people walking or jogging, taking the dog out, playing with kids, gardening or mowing the lawn, but as I walked through greenbelts and subdivision streets I began to notice, there was no one around--I became aware of a feeling that I was totally alone  Everything was as it should be, butterflies were flitting from flower to flower, the sun was shining, lawns were green, houses stood undisturbed, but windows started blankly back at me  as if I was in some type of Altered Reality--it was completely quiet and yet I thought I heard the echoes of people who lived in those houses, walked through that greenbelt, children who played in those yards and dogs who barked at us as we moved along--but in reality I knew that there was not a sound to be heard
As I got closer to home and emerged from the greenbelt I saw two men working on the road, a garage door being closed, cars coming and going and a boy riding his bicycle; it was as if I stepped  through a portal out of  the Twilight Zone and back into my Real World

I can still remember how it felt for those few minutes when everything and nothing seemed real--




  1. What an eerie feeling that must have been.

  2. Loved the pictures you posted, especially the door to the dark universe!

    1. It was an eerie feeling and I can still "feel" it, it was sort of like being in a movie! Had fun with that picture and others!
