Tuesday, January 17, 2017

OK! I Admit It, I Have a Problem!

On February 9, 2015 I wrote a blog page entitled "Is There Such Thing as Too Many Books" . At the top of the page was this quote: "It is impossible to read all the books on my to-read shelf but I keep adding books anyway". This is exactly what I do! I have added and added and added every chance I got. I somehow convinced myself that I would be able to read all these books and I would keep buying and buying and buying!

 Recently my oldest Granddaughter moved to an apartment while attending her last semester of college, leaving her bedroom and adjoining bathroom without an occupant. While I will always think of it as her room, I didn't hesitate long to take over. There is a bed in the room to accommodate guests should there be any, but my intent was to build a sanctuary library. I bought three 30 inch wide bookcases just like the two I have in my bedroom downstairs. It is when I began filling those shelves with books that I truly realized the scope of my problem!! I have a shelf of Christmas books and one or two shelves of some of my favorite books (books that I have already read, but love the gentle stories that I almost feel I could live in), most of the books are unread by me. Once I started adding unread books from one room to the other and from boxes in the basement, I admit that I have problem. If I keep going the way I have been I will have to remove the bed and line every wall with bookcases. I seem to be spending more time buying books than reading them!

1 comment:

  1. Do what makes you happy! Buy, read, look at the books, share, etc.
