Saturday, October 11, 2014

What is Retirement

What does retirement mean? To some it means a chance to do all those things that one never had time to do while working, to others it means joining clubs and pursuing more physical activities, to some more time with friends or a time to volunteer in some way or another, time to spend with grandchildren and probably many more things. To me when I thought of retirement I thought about nice easy days filled with doing whatever I felt like on that day, not much planning just do what feels good at the time, spending the day reading, meeting with friends or talking on the phone, getting up late and taking naps. Quiet hours filled with ease from "have to's" or "shoulds", no stress, no dealing with paperwork, walking on a beach or in the countryside.


  1. When I worked I did not have time to do the things I wanted to do and when I was retired I did not have the money to do what I wanted to do. Screwed either way!!

  2. I seems that way sometimes doesn't it? Money certainly has it's advantages, though they say "money doesn't buy happiness"?? Are those "they" people with money or without (who say that??)
