Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Out from Under....

Here I am!  Being a teacher is never and easy job, however, having 37 students is even harder!  Baby Bird has been buried in school related work for a few weeks now.  With report cards done, I can now breathe a little easier.

Mama Bird and I had been posting about the beautiful fall weather we had been experiencing.  Most of the leaves in our backyard had fallen except for one slow maple tree that was also enjoying the fall weather.  The leaves had just started to turn from green to a beautiful shade of red.  The evening light cast a tremendous glow as it permeated the branches and leaves.  Fall has said goodbye with a vengeance--our beautiful tree is now covered in a layer of snow and ice.  The Polar Vortex that we experienced last year has returned to freeze most of the upper to middle parts of the U.S. This morning we woke up to -1 degree and with the wind chill it feels more like -14 degrees.  It is so cold that my garage door has decided to sleep in and not open.

Besides work, other aspects of life have also settled down.  Both of my babies have applied to college  and both are excited about their futures.  We are excited for them.  It is both frightening and exciting to see them looking towards next year, but honestly I am sad and know that life will change so much in the next 12 months.  All three kids will be in different colleges.  At least they will be here in the state less than an hour away from home.

1 comment:

  1. Now that is an oxymoron, if I have every heard one....happy sad to see see baby birds leave the next!
