Friday, November 14, 2014

Time to Fly

You know in real Bird life most of the time the Mother can't wait to push the babies out of the nest and into a life of their own. How different we humans are! These babies aren't going that far (they are no dummies) and it's time for them to try out their wings a little, if they don't there is no way they will be strong enough to soar out on their own. Their constant presence will be missed, but also it a time when Mother (that's you Baby Bird) and Father to enjoy a little less responsibility, take time to do the things they want to do, to establish a life OF THEIR OWN. For so many years parents sometimes seem to exist just for their always busy, always hungry, always needing something, always noisy babies. Not only is it time for the babies to spread their wings and fly, it's time for parents to do the same! Those "babies" will always return from time to time so the nest is not always going to be empty.

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