Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Over Sharing

It's been quite a while since my last post for several reasons, but mostly due to something I saw last week on CBS Sunday Morning--An editorial (you know those where one person giving the opinion is sitting alone and looking into the camera), I don't remember the name of the woman who did it, but her topic was new words, words that have become a part of our language, the word she talked about was "Over Share".  She talked about how much "Over Sharing" goes on in our world today. People are using social media to share almost everything (sometimes with disastrous or tragic results) from what they are eating or feeling, or where they are on vacation or doing for the weekend and anything you can imagine. So it lead me to think about this it Over Sharing? I mean does anyone really care or want to know about our Holiday Traditions, about a recipe to make Peanut Butter Truffles?  I began to feel self-conscious about it and as a result I have not blogged for a while (I don't know what Baby Birds "excuse" is, except she is back to teaching and taking care of the family). One of the ideas behind starting this blog was to have some kind of record of what I consider important, what I enjoy doing, whether it be cooking, eating, shopping, volunteering, reading, as a record for my Grandchildren to read after I am in the Nursing Home with dementia or "gone", but I wonder, will they be anymore interested in that later than they are right now? As teenagers and a just turned 20 year old, their lives are about themselves, I am sure that my quiet little life is extremely boring and I don't think they are interested in "what makes me tick". And so I wonder if my tweeting (as in tweet tweet and not Tweeting #) is not more than noise in the wind?? I enjoy at times putting my thoughts to paper as it were, so I guess I will continue and maybe I will get over feeling self-conscious about putting it all out there.



  1. I enjoy knowing what you are thinking and doing....don't stop and so what if we over share....only your friends will read your blog and they do care!
